Horruskh, The Thousand Wraths
A savage warlord inhabited by a reckless and renowned spirit from darkest antiquity, Horruskh is among the most formidable warriors in the Orgoth host. Inarguably the scion of an unbroken chain of ruthless conquerors, Horruskh has lived a thousand lives that appear to him in broken dreams, driving his ambition and propelling him headlong into every fresh slaughter and atrocity. It is only through such terrifying acts that he can draw the attention of the Fellgoeth and gather the souls necessary to barter his way from the darkness of the Outer Abyss. And when he first laid eyes on the shores of Immoren, Horruskh knew he had been here before and had made the continent bleed. If Sabbreth is the architect of the Orgoth invasion, then Horruskh, The Thousand Wraths, is its unbreakable spirit.
- When a friendly Faction model makes an attack or damage roll during its activation while in Horruskh’s control range, Horruskh can spend 1 power point to allow the model to reroll that roll.
- Feat grants +3 ARM and 4+ Tough roll.
- Once per activation, when Horruskh destroys an enemy model with a melee attack, he can cast a spell without spending focus.
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