In Fog of Love, players will create and play two vivid characters who meet, fall in love and face the challenge of making the relationship work. This is an alternate cover variant. Read more
As a direct result of customer feedback, Fog of Love, the romantic comedy board game, is launching two new covers to celebrate LGBTQ relationships. And there’s a new expansion in the pipeline, created in collaboration with prolific games designer, Nikki Valens, which focuses on telling stories about queer relationships.
The two new covers help celebrate the diversity of relationships that the game – and life – has to offer.
Fog of Love hired Nikki Valens – designer of Eldritch Horror, Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition and Legacy of Dragonholt – as a consultant to check every card and scenario, with the aim of ensuring the core game does the very best job of representing LGBTQ relationships. Her perspective as a member of the queer and transgender communities has ensured that scenes are more reflective of LGBTQ relationships.
The changes she has made are subtle but important and will be included in all future copies of the game – no matter the cover.